Saturday, November 10, 2012

Module 10 Blog

At first, I did not notice that the first video link was the answers. I ended up copying the video titles in to You Tube in order to watch them. It wasn't until I opened the next link that I saw it was the answers, so I had already read their fair use. It seems that "intent" is the key to not violating copyright.

Here is the image I chose from compfight:

Argalia, Luca. "Ammasso delle Pleiadi." Photo. Flickr December 5, 2008

The license can be found at this site:

I also have an instrumental mix that could be used as background to a lesson, or often times, I will play music in my class when students are writing or working independently.

The license for this can be found at the following link

This is the link to my class wordle
Wordle: Untitled

In regards to the fair use of copyright material, I refer to my podcast in the next post. This is fair use of the material because, although the stories are copyrighted, but I am reading them to aid students in learning themes. The podcast sampling was created to allow students to work on an individual level with their ipads, allowing me to differentiate learning and allowing students to work at their own pace. It is an alternative to doing a read aloud with the students, and would not
be used anywhere but in the classroom.