Monday, September 10, 2012

Module 3 Blog

My schools mission is to engage, educate, and empower all students for college and career readiness. My website will allow for communication for students and parents and resources to support instruction. Communication with parents is my main goal. As an elementary teacher, it is difficult to know if the students communicated info correctly, or at all. A page for parents that is user friendly, easy to access, and and enjoyable will encourage parnet use. Another goal is to provide resources for students to practice skills, and for parents to help their child.

My audience is primarily parents. I am assuming that they are the ones who would be interested in keeping up to date onwhat is going on at school, and as the responsible party, will seek out info if they are not sure. My secondary audience is my students. Hopefully, by providing them access to useful websites, they will be interested in furthering their learning on their own, and will access the site to practice. Upon visiting my site, I hope that parents find it useful and up to date, and that students are engaged and want to return.

I will measure success by parent communication, and student performance. If there is information about things we need or upcomig events, I would know parents saw the information if those materials came in. Also, hopefully student performance would improve, as parents would be aware of tests and upcoming projects. To maintain the site, I will have to allot time each week to keep it up to date. Currently, I keep a "sticky note" on my desktop to remind me to update my classroom website.

I will probably have a static page, with content changing as needed. I don't want to change the structure, as that can be confusing to parents and students when returning to the site. I would like to keep my website simple and easy to navigate, probably having only a couple of tabs... upcoming events, useful websites, useful inks for the school. I currently have an account through the school that I am doing my best to modify and keep up to date, but for this class, my site will be hosted on Weebly.

The majority of the "budget" for my site will be time. I have access to a school we page, and will need to find out if my school supports a secondary site that they do not have access to/control of. It will take time to develop the site, but once it is designed, maintaining will note too time consuming.

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