Sunday, September 30, 2012

Module 6 Blog

Things changed on my blogger page: 1. H3 header font 1.35em to 1.45em, enlarging it from original 2. Header and body change to font Arial 3. Changed body line height to 2.0 4. Unvisted links changed to color #3300cc 5. Background template changed to dandelions 6. Changed width of blog and navigation bar Final Project site: What is the site structure for your website?

I haven't decided how I will design an over all website hierarchy. I could use an Index page and use the iframe tag to display my other pages from the main page. I could also have individual pages with a master css file. Both choices have there benefits. The second one gives me entire control over each website allowing me to better cascade my css files on to each page that need special items. The first choice is nice because the navigation and non-content area will be the same no matter what page they are on and there is less chance of human error affecting the navigation on indivual pages of my site.

2. how will you name files/post to make sure they are easy to organize and maintain?

I will be using a plain english naming convention, along with underscore spacing for ease of reading, or camel casing of words in a file name or div name. Using plain english naming convention will help in the fact that I will not be trying to remember the file name of everything.If my name for all links is "Links" That will make things easier to do.

what could you include in your page to make it easy to find in a search engine?

The 2 thing I plan to start with for Search engine Optimization would be using metatag and em, or strong tags for keywords in the html. Also I will be sure to name each page easily which will serve as a description of the site. Having Alt=text on embedded files will also help with search engine being able to find the page and rank it better.

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