Saturday, September 22, 2012

Module 5 Blog

In your journal, answer the following questions...
1. How does this page violate the Perceivable category? How do you know?
One of the perceivability issues for me was the blue background and blue font. It made it difficult for me to read the  text, and distinguish between the text and background. Also, the title was fuzzy, and the mission possible title was also difficult to read.

2. How does this page violate the Operable category? How do you know?
The operability could be a challenge to people who do not have a mouse, or a laptop with a pad, because there are 2 links on the page. Without those tools, they would not be able to follow the links.

Another issue I found was that when I opened the page in Internet Explorer, there was the sound track of the mission impossible movie. When I had it open in Mozilla Firefox, there was no sound. People with different web browsers would not have the same access to information on the site. However, on Internet Explorer, when you access the video, the theme song does not turn off, so it was hard to hear the video.

3. How does this page violate the Understandable category? How do you know?
 I think the sound issue could also fall under the understandable category. It was hard to understand the video in Internet Explorer because of the background music.

4. How does this page violate the Robust category? How do you know?
Again, this site worked differently in Internet Explore than Mozilla. Although I am a veteran IE user, with computer problems I have had, we have been using Firefox more.Trying this site in both browsers opened my eyes to the reality that not all sites work the same in different browsers.

After running the site through the WAVE analysis, I also learned that there was not a heading, there was an unidentified element in the top left corner, a table without cells, text that is written badly, without alternate text.

Adjusted coding
<p align="center"><img SRC="images/title.gif" WIDTH="622" HEIGHT="51" alt="EDU 558: Website Accessibility"/></p>

<p><embed width="128" src="" style="height: 47px"/>&nbsp;</p>

     <th>4 layers of accessibility</th>
        <td>Perceivable </td>
        <td>Understandable </td>
        <td>Operable </td>

<p align="center"><img alt="" src="images/Image2.gif" width="366" height="87" alt="Mission Impossible"/></p>

<marquee bgcolor="#000080" scrollamount=2
direction="up" loop="true" width="35%" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();" > <center>
<font color="#ffffff" size="+1"><strong> Your mission,
<br> if you choose to <br>accept it,<br>is to find as many<br>
accessibility <br>mistakes <br>as possible <br> on this site</strong></font> </center></marquee></p>

<img alt="warning" src="images/warning_1.gif" width="300" height="186" />&nbsp; </p>

<p align="center">&nbsp;<img alt="some of the problem may not be obvious!!!"src="images/img23.jpg" height="21" />&nbsp;</p>

<img  src="images/link2.jpg" width="476" height="142"></a><a href=""><img alt="click here to check site with Wave" src="images/link3.jpg" width="476" height="142" class="style1" /></a></p>

For my schools website, the main issue I found was using java script and missin structure elements.For my personal site, I need to make sure it is useable on multiple browsers, as that is something I was not even aware of was an issue. I need to make sure the plug ins to use embedded multi-media is kept to a minimum. I need to think about concerns for slower internet connections.

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