Sunday, October 14, 2012

Module 7 Blog

Module 7 Blog What information will you put in your page header? My header will have a logo/link back to my home page, tabs that will direct people to the information they are on the site to obtain, a link to my external CSS file, Will you be incorporating scan columns? If so, what specifically will be included? I will be incorporating scan columns for links to various sites for students and parents to access, as well as links to the school site that I work at. How will you organize the content on your page? I will be organizing my content based on the needs of different people. On my home page, I would like to have upcoming events. I would like to have a tab for students, where they can access educational web sites, a tab for parents with links to educational information, school test results, etc. I would also like a tab that will host photos of what is going on on the class, and one that shares apps and their descriptions, since I have a class set of iPads. What will you include in your page footer? I will have a link at the bottom of the page sighting me as the author, as well as a link to my schools web site. In regards to the survey form, things I found that I would change are: asking for your name twice, maybe ask for email and/or phone and not requiring that unless I needed to talk to the survey participants, I would not make additional comments required, especially without further directions, and the like/dislike question had yes and no as answers, and both could be selected at the same time.

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